Name: Motiti Protection Area - Reference Points (Operative 11 Aug 2021)
Display Field: ProtectionAreaName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: The reef systems off the coast of Motiti Island support a large range of plants and animals including fish and shellfish. In 2018 the Environment Court released an interim decision .that found the outstanding attributes and values of these reef systems needed better protection.On 24 April 2020, the Environment Court released its final decision which directs Bay of Plenty Regional Council to implement new rules within its Regional Coastal Environment Plan to protect three reef systems near Motiti Island and complete scientific monitoring to inform future integrated marine management solutions.The approved environment court map of the MPAs can be found herePlease visit the website for the latest information:
Name: Motiti Protection Area (Operative 11 Aug 2021)
Display Field: ProtectionAreaName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The reef systems off the coast of Motiti Island support a large range of plants and animals including fish and shellfish. In 2018 the Environment Court released an interim decision .that found the outstanding attributes and values of these reef systems needed better protection.On 24 April 2020, the Environment Court released its final decision which directs Bay of Plenty Regional Council to implement new rules within its Regional Coastal Environment Plan to protect three reef systems near Motiti Island and complete scientific monitoring to inform future integrated marine management solutions.The approved environment court map of the MPAs can be found herePlease visit the website for the latest information:
Description: Map series included in this Index Map Sheet are:- Harbour Development Zone (map label 46 - 53)- Ecology and Heritage (01b - 45b)- Landscape (01a - 45a)- Use (01c - 45c)The Regional Coastal Environment Plan text and maps can be found on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website pageThis data is operative as at Dec 2019.
Name: Indigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - B
Display Field: HVESName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Updated in April 2016. This layer is the post appeal version of the 2014 Proposed Regional Coastal Environmnet Plan.This layer has not been finalised. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Name: Indigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - A
Display Field: HVESName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Updated in August 2016. This layer is the post appeal version of the 2014 Proposed Regional Coastal Environmnet Plan.This layer has not been finalised. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Description: Updated in April 2016. This layer is the post appeal version of the 2014 Proposed Regional Coastal Environmnet Plan.This layer has not been finalised. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Description: Updated in April 2016. This layer is the post appeal version of the 2014 Proposed Regional Coastal Environmnet Plan.This layer has not been finalised. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Name: Outstanding Natural Features Landscapes (ONFL)
Display Field: SiteName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Updated in April 2016. This layer is the post appeal version of the 2014 Proposed Regional Coastal Environmnet Plan.This layer has not been finalised. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Description: Wrecks can have historic and recreational values, and provides good fish habitat. Many ships are known to have sunk in the Bay of Plenty. Only a small number of wrecks are known to still exist intact. Two shipwrecks are listed in and protected by the Coastal Plan - the Taupo off the northern entrance to Tauranga Harbour and the Martha in Tauranga Harbour. The Taranaki is located near Karewa Island and is a popular dive site. An additional wreck, the Taioma, has been sunk at Motiti Island since the Coastal Plan was created. A buffer area of 500 m has been placed around the wrecks.
Description: A map series indicating the approximate location of regionally significant surfbreaks for use in coastal planning, Surfbreaks were identified using the Wavetrack NZ surfing guide and through community consultation. The breaks identified on maps only (i.e. GPS readings not taken on site).Surfbreaks divied into the following classes:Point break - where waves hit a point of land or rocks jutting out from the coastline. Beach break - waves break on a sandy seabed. Reef break - wave breaks over a coral reef or a rocky seabedRiver mouth - surf break at a river mouth; waves can break over rocky ledges or sandy bottomsLedge - waves that break over rocky ledges
Service Item Id: ae7ecf3efd6a4fdaa365c60838d3ee2f
Copyright Text: Bay of Plenty Regional Council (Barry Perryman)
Description: This dataset depicts known coastal heritage sites within the Bay of Plenty, and suggests risks that may be associated with the sites enabling better management of these areas within the Regional Coastal Environment Plan. This dataset also fulfills Environment Bay of Plenty's requirement to protect Costal Heritage sites as a section of the Resource Management Act (RMA)The coastal marine area is as defined in the RMA, meaning theforeshore, seabed andcoastal water and the air space above the water –(a) of which the seaward boundary is the outer limits of theterritorial sea:(b) of which the landward boundary is the line of mean highwater springs, except thatwhere that line crosses a river, thelandward boundary at that point shall be whichever isthe lesser of –(i) One kilometre upstream from the mouth of the river; or(ii) The point upstream that is calculated by multiplying thewidth of the rivermouth by 5.
Service Item Id: ae7ecf3efd6a4fdaa365c60838d3ee2f
Copyright Text: Lynda Walter aand Karen Greig, InSitu Heritage Ltd under contract to Environment Bay of Plenty.Coastal Historic Heritage Review Project - Historic Heritage Inventory, 8 September 2006 - Objective Reference A926141
Description: These boundaries are set out as provided in the Coastal Marine Area and River Mouths Boundary Agreement 1 August 2008 which refers to Coastal Marine Area boundaries as set out in the Resource Management Act 1991: "The landward boundary of the coastal marine area shall be the lesser of: (i) One kilometre upstream from the mouth of the river; or (ii) The point upstream that is calculated by multiplying the width of the river mouth by 5.
Description: This dataset indicates the location of the wharf area of the Port of Tauranga.THIS DATA HAS NOT BEEN FINALISED AS AT APRIL 2014. The boundaries and data are subject to change as a result of the hearing and decision making process of the proposed plan.
Description: Prepared through Variation 1 to the BOP RPS in order to give effect to requirements of NZCPS2010The focus for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council is to identify and map those areas with High and Outstanding Natural Character, in order to given effect to Policy 13 of the NZCPS. The purpose of identification of areas of high and outstanding natural character is for inclusion of the mapped areas and associated policies into a variation to the Regional Policy Statement. 2010.The objective of the assesment of natural character was:to assess the entire coastal environment and identify areas of high and outstanding natural character.In order to identify these areas the entire coastal environment was was assessed and evaluated as being either, Very Low, Low, Moderate, High and Very High, with Outstanding re-evaluating those areas that were Very High.This assessment is in response to the requirements of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) 2010, which gives effect to Section 6(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991.Section 6(b) states: The pereservation of natural character of the coastal environment....and the protection of them from inappropraite subdivision, use and development.The assessment of natural character within the region involved following a number of steps as below:Collation of relevant GIS data, technical research, aerial photography. (Refer to Appendicies for relevant data)Desktop analysis to determine the broad coastal sectors and broad natural character attributes based on desktop data.Low level aerial reconnaissance and photography of the entire coastline and islands.Refinement of coastal sectors and identification of outstanding natural character areas and features with high or very high ratings.Project team assessment workshop and notation to determine the degree of natural character for each sector and area.Mapping of boundaries.Drafting of the assessment report.
Service Item Id: ae7ecf3efd6a4fdaa365c60838d3ee2f
Copyright Text: Prepared by Boffa Miskel in conjunction with BOPRPS. Agreed with several appellant parties.
“Coastal Environment” report – Objective A1134025
Color: [115, 76, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This is the finalised set of Urban limit boundaries which were formally adopted on the 26th October 2006 and publicly notified on 7th November 2006. It is an update of the data held in the W: (UrbanLimit_consultFinal) used on the original Regional Policy Statement maps. The physical boundaries were shifted as part of the ammendment process but the GIS data also needed minor adjustments so that the polygon boundaries were coincident with the relevant coporate datasets (ie Property boundaries, District council planning zones, coastline etc)
Description: The containment area for woolly nightshade is the entire Bay of Plenty region, except for the two small areassurrounding Tauranga shown in this layer. These areas represent the woolly nightshade core infestation,and the Section D (1) rule does not apply. For Egeria densa, lagarosiphon and hornwort control areas, Section D rules apply to these three aquatic plant pests in the lakes defined.For more information, check the Operative Regional Pest Management Plan on the Bay of Plenty Regional Council website.
Description: This rural area was created by starting with ones from the Rotorua Lakes Council planning zones recieved from them in January 2016.The zones used were:RV1 – Reserve 1 – Conservation ReserveRV2 – Reserve 2 – Destination ReserveRV3 – Reserve 3 – Community Asset ReserveRR1 – Rural 1 – Working RuralRR2 – Rural 2 – Rural LifestyleRR3 – Rural 3 – Rural Village (which includes Mamaku)FRV3 – Future Reserve 3 – Future Community Asset ReserveFRD1 – Future Residential 1 – Future Residential LivingFRR2 - Future Residential 2 – Future Rural LifestyleLakes ASome areas from these zones were then removed and some areaswere added. All streams and most of the roads were included into the rural area and all areas defined as pastoral that were not already included were added.NOTE: The PC 10 area is only where NutrientManagementZone = "Rural" This is the definition query applied to the layer in the Water Service of BayExplorer
Description: Rule 11 boundary. Follows catchment boundaries except where these catchments run outside the Bay of Plenty regionand includes all of Mamaku Township.
Description: The Lake Rotorua catchment boundary is defined by the surface catchment, in part, and by the groundwater catchment outside the surface catchment.The surface catchment was defined at a 1:2000 scale using LIDAR digital terrain measurements.Then, the groundwater catchment wasdefined. This catchment generally coincides with the surface catchment. However, the catchment is outside the surface catchment over the Mamaku Plateau and the boundary is identified by data including: water budgets, digital terrain measurements, groundwater level measurements and estimates of specific discharge in streams.An assessment of the uncertainties in these data translate to estimates of uncertainty in the groundwater catchment. Boundaries of surface and groundwater catchments, and uncertainties in these boundaries, were developed as separate data sets(NutrientDischargeCatchmentGroundwaterRotoruaMinus_95percent, NutrientDischargeCatchmentGroundwaterRotoruaPlus_95percent).
Description: In response to the Ministry for the Environment’s request to nominate Local Air Management Areas (LAMA), Environment Bay of Plenty has proposed one LAMA for the Bay of Plenty region: That LAMA being Rotorua.This layer describes the extent of the Rotorua LAMA.By 2013 the Rotorua LAMA (airshed) ambient air quality has to meet the standard.
Description: Polygon buffers around drains, rivers, spillways and defences against waterthat are managed by BOPRC. They vary in size, depending on what the bylaw states. The attributes show what bylaw applies and what features are being protected. This data is intended to give the public an idea of where the bylaws apply. It will also be used when issuing LIM reports. Original data was captured in November 2015 with the help of Debbie Fransen from the Engineering department at BOPRC.
Description: This layer is intended to be linked with the information stored in the financial system using the Asset_ID field. This field is common to both GIS and finance. It is intended that this layer be updated on an annual basis to include the latest evaluation information and/or any Bay of Plenty Regional Council assets constructed or added during the previous year.It is intended that this layer become a single port of call for all rivers and drainage related assets, including those not owned by the Bay of plenty Regional Council. It is very import that registered BOPRC assets be distinguished from non BOPRC Assets. To do this used the Asset Owner field. Non BOPRC Registered Assets will not have an Asset ID, this is intentional.Information showing the location of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council's assests and additional non Bay of Plenty Regional Council Assets that are of importance to day to day operations. Drainage asset types include Culverts, Floodgates, Pumpstations, Dropstructures, Stopbanks, Rockwork, Rubble, Floodwalls etc.It is important that this layer is not altered without previous consent from the Principal Technical Engineer or the Manager of the Engineering section.
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 12 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Transmission Lines is a polyline dataset representing the power lines that are used to transmit electric power across NZ, usually from a power generating station to main substations that make up the National Grid. They are comprised of overhead and underground conducting lines of either copper or aluminium. In NZ these High Voltage (HV) transmission lines operate at kiloVoltages (kV) of 33 , 66, 110, 220 AC and 350 DC. (Transmission Line is not a topological network.) (Spans are a sub-set of the Transmission Lines data set. Spans record the structure from / to and the length between the structures). The Transmission Lines dataset is updated ad-hocly.
Description: Prepared through Variation 1 to the BOP RPS in order to give effect to requirements of NZCPS2010The Environment Bay of Plenty Regional Council is required under the Resource Management Act and the National Coastal Policy Statement, to define the landward edge of the coastal environment and the areas of high natural character within that environment.The base datasets used in this project were of varying accuracies and from a variety of sources, including the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, relevant Local Authorities, Government agencies and Boffa Miskell internal resources. Detailed information on the datasets obtained is included in the appendices. On evaluation of the spatial accuracies of the data available, the mapping scale chosen to undertake this project was 1:50,000. This scale is sufficient for a regional project, how the resulting lines depicting the Zone of Coastal Dominance and Zone of Coastal Influence should not be used at scales below this i.e. at property level.The coastal environment has been identified using the following criteria, to include:(a) The coastal marine area and islands within the coastal marine area;(b) Areas where coastal processes, influences or qualities are significant including coastal lakes, lagoon, tidal estuaries, salt marshes, coastal wetlands, and their margins;(c) Areas at risk from coastal hazards(e) Coastal vegetation and the habitat of indigenous coastal species including migratory birds(f) Elements and features that contribute to the natural character, landscape, visual qualities or amenity values;(g) Items of cultural and historic heritage in the coastal marine area or on the coastal;(h) Inter-related coastal marine and terrestrial systems, including the intertidal zone; and(i) Physical resources and built facilities, including infrastructure, that have modified the coastal environment.
Service Item Id: ae7ecf3efd6a4fdaa365c60838d3ee2f
Copyright Text: Prepared by Boffa Miskel in conjunction with BOPRPS. Agreed with several appellant parties. “Defining Coastal Environment Methodology Report, Boffa Miskel, 2010” Objective A560902.
Description: There are 67 territorial authorities in New Zealand. This total reflects the amalgamation of the seven territorial authorities (Rodney District, North Shore City, Waitakere City, Auckland City, Manukau City, Papakura District, and Franklin District) into one Auckland Council in 2010.Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in New Zealand, below regional councils. The 67 territorial authorities comprise 13 city councils including the Auckland council, 53 district councils, and the Chatham Islands Territory.Some territorial authority boundaries are coterminous with regional council boundaries but there are several exceptions. An example is Taupo District, which is split between four regions, although most of its area falls within the Waikato Region. When defining the boundaries of territorial authorities, the Local Government Commission bases considerable weight on the ‘community of interest’.Territorial authorities are defined at meshblock and area unit level.
Description: For full details see Property and ownership simplified tables data dictionaryThis layer provides the **current** primary parcel polygons and some associateddescriptive data that details the appellation (legal description), purpose, sizeand a list of titles that have an interest in the parcel.A primary parcel is a portion of land that is intended to be : • owned by the Crown, except moveable marginal strips • Held in fee simple ((predominately private ownership) • Maori freehold land or Maori customary land • Public foreshore and seabed• The bed of a lake or river • Road or Railway • Vested in a local authority Primary parcels can be thought of as the 'base level' of the 'jigsaw puzzle' ofall land making up New Zealand. Other 'levels' are NZ Non-primary parcels thatessentially limit the full rights that would normally be associated with aprimary parcel for example easements, covenants, leases and moveable marginalstrips etc.If you require approved or historic parcels see the [All ParcelsLayer]( layer has a nominal accuracy of 0.1-1m in urban areas and 1-100m in ruralareas. For more detailed information about parcel accuracies please refer to the[Survey BoundaryMarks]( layer whichcontains accuracies for each parcel node. The combination of this layer with the non-primary parcels layer provides allcurrent parcels for New Zealand (i.e. excludes Historic and Pending parcels)The originating data for parcel/title associations includes some non-officialsources where the official data does not support a link. For more information[see](
Description: Ecological regions and districts are subdivisions of New Zealand into contiguous and discrete areas that have relatively homogenous physical (climate, soil, topography, geology) and biological characteristics (including cultural pattern, i.e. land use). Ecological Regions are generally an aggregate of adjacent ecological districts with very closely related characteristics. These boundaries arepart of the ecological classification system used in the Protected Natural Area Programme.These boundaries may have been superceeded by the Land Environments New Zealand (LENZ) classification.
Service Item Id: ae7ecf3efd6a4fdaa365c60838d3ee2f
Copyright Text: Digitised from maps published byt the Department of Conservation, Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
Color: [85, 255, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
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Value: 6s 2+7w 1 Label: 6e 1; 6e 1+4w 1; 6e 1+7e 1; 6e 2; 6e 3; 6e 4; 6e 5; 6e 6; 6e 6+7e 5; 6e15; 6e16; 6e21; 6e22; 6e23; 6e24; 6s 2; 6s 2+7w 1; 6s 3; 6w 1 Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 6s 3 Label: 6e 1; 6e 1+4w 1; 6e 1+7e 1; 6e 2; 6e 3; 6e 4; 6e 5; 6e 6; 6e 6+7e 5; 6e15; 6e16; 6e21; 6e22; 6e23; 6e24; 6s 2; 6s 2+7w 1; 6s 3; 6w 1 Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: 6w 1 Label: 6e 1; 6e 1+4w 1; 6e 1+7e 1; 6e 2; 6e 3; 6e 4; 6e 5; 6e 6; 6e 6+7e 5; 6e15; 6e16; 6e21; 6e22; 6e23; 6e24; 6s 2; 6s 2+7w 1; 6s 3; 6w 1 Description: N/A Symbol:
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none