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snippet: BOPLASS LTD Bay of Plenty 2019-25 PGF LiDAR Survey ground elevation model in NZVD2016 (Aerial Surveys Project No: FPFA1263). An Airborne Laser Scanner survey was conducted over the Bay of Plenty areas of interest totaling approximately 5217 km2. The area is located in the Bay of Plenty Region of the North Island. The block covers most of Whakatane and includes the offshore islands. Use in tandem with DEM_2021_1m_NZVD2016 to get a complete block equivalent to the one hosted on the LINZ Data Service.
summary: BOPLASS LTD Bay of Plenty 2019-25 PGF LiDAR Survey ground elevation model in NZVD2016 (Aerial Surveys Project No: FPFA1263). An Airborne Laser Scanner survey was conducted over the Bay of Plenty areas of interest totaling approximately 5217 km2. The area is located in the Bay of Plenty Region of the North Island. The block covers most of Whakatane and includes the offshore islands. Use in tandem with DEM_2021_1m_NZVD2016 to get a complete block equivalent to the one hosted on the LINZ Data Service.
maxScale: 18018.5223850094
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
title: DEM_2022_1m_Whakatane_NZVD2016
type: Image Service
tags: ["LiDAR","DEM","Ground Elevation","1m","2021","2022","BOPLASS","Whatakane","NZVD2016"]
culture: en-NZ
name: DEM_2022_1m_Whakatane_NZVD2016
minScale: 3.69019338444993E7
spatialReference: NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator