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snippet: This landslide susceptibility mapping study is a requirement of the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement. The methodology of the study is generally based on the “basic” level assessment described in the Australian Geomechanics Society Guideline for Landslide Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Zoning (AGS, 2007a).The study area consists of the Bay of Plenty regional boundary, excluding the Tauranga City district and five other areas where landslide susceptibility studies have previously been carried out or are currently being undertaken. It also includes the part of the Rotorua Lakes District that lies within the Waikato region. The geology, geomorphology and characteristic mechanisms of landsliding across the study area are described, based on the results of a literature review of available information. Factors that influence slope stability are identified from the results of the literature review, including correlation to an inventory of previous landslides. Assessment of the landslide susceptibility is based on weighting of the influencing factors and combining these in Geographical Information System (GIS) platform using available geospatial datasets. Four categories of landslide susceptibility are described, from Very Low to High, and these are mapped across the region in GIS showing the spatial distribution and extent of the different susceptibility categories. The maps do not present potential areas of regression and runout of landslide debris, which have not been assessed at this stage. The region was mapped at a 1:50,000 scale, except for urban areas identified by BOPRC, which were mapped at 1:25,000. The maps should be used at appropriate scales suggested, and were made available to the public through the Council natural hazards GIS viewer, the scale should be restricted to 1:25,000 for the 12 identified Urban Areas, and 1:50,000 for the remainder of the region.
summary: This landslide susceptibility mapping study is a requirement of the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement. The methodology of the study is generally based on the “basic” level assessment described in the Australian Geomechanics Society Guideline for Landslide Susceptibility, Hazard and Risk Zoning (AGS, 2007a).The study area consists of the Bay of Plenty regional boundary, excluding the Tauranga City district and five other areas where landslide susceptibility studies have previously been carried out or are currently being undertaken. It also includes the part of the Rotorua Lakes District that lies within the Waikato region. The geology, geomorphology and characteristic mechanisms of landsliding across the study area are described, based on the results of a literature review of available information. Factors that influence slope stability are identified from the results of the literature review, including correlation to an inventory of previous landslides. Assessment of the landslide susceptibility is based on weighting of the influencing factors and combining these in Geographical Information System (GIS) platform using available geospatial datasets. Four categories of landslide susceptibility are described, from Very Low to High, and these are mapped across the region in GIS showing the spatial distribution and extent of the different susceptibility categories. The maps do not present potential areas of regression and runout of landslide debris, which have not been assessed at this stage. The region was mapped at a 1:50,000 scale, except for urban areas identified by BOPRC, which were mapped at 1:25,000. The maps should be used at appropriate scales suggested, and were made available to the public through the Council natural hazards GIS viewer, the scale should be restricted to 1:25,000 for the 12 identified Urban Areas, and 1:50,000 for the remainder of the region.
accessInformation: Geoprocessed by WSP based on multi-criteria raster-based analysis (i.e. slope angle, geology, geomorphology, hydrology)
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Bay of Plenty (excluding Tauranga City and Whakatane Landslide Risk Areas)</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
title: RainfallSusceptibility
tags: ["natural hazards","Landslide Susceptibility"]
culture: en-NZ
minScale: 150000000